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School re-opens
May Day Bank Holiday

> About Us > Vision, Ethos and Values

Our Vision, Our Aims, Our Ethos and Values


Our vision for our whole school is to ensure every child makes good progress in all areas of learning and for them to develop the personal qualities that enable them to take their place in society. This is expressed in three key words:


“Enjoy, Dream, Discover”


Trust Charter


As a school member of TrustEd Schools’ Partnership we fully subscribe to the values agreed through the Trust Charter.


Our Aims at Castlefields are to:


  1. provide a safe, happy and supportive environment which values and nurtures every child

  2. develop all our children to make the best possible progress they can academically

  3. provide a broad curriculum that has, as one of its foundations a rich source of ‘Cultural Capital’

  4. ensure that everything we do is wholly inclusive to all our children

  5. help every child to develop into successful citizens who are well-prepared for the next stage of their education and ultimately for life in Modern Britain


Ethos and Values


Castlefields Primary school is a friendly, vibrant and successful school where children’s happiness alongside high standards of academic achievement are of paramount importance to all members of the school community. Our talented and hard working staff believe that every child has a right to high quality education giving our children the best chance to achieve the highest standards in their learning. We offer an inspiring, broad balanced curriculum that is well-sequenced and engaging for our learners.

In our friendly and welcoming school we safeguard our children well. Within our nurturing environment children thrive and flourish in both academic and personal development.


Through our school council, our digital leaders and our year six monitors, children’s voice is strongly represented in decision making. This helps equip our children for their role as, good global citizens, for future life in modern inclusive Britain and the world beyond.


Staff, children, parents and governors all embrace our school values which thread through the ethos of our school.

These values are:


Teamwork           Empathy          Respect          Ambition          Resilience        Independence

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