> Parents > School Community > PTA / Friends of Castlefields
The Friends of Castlefields School are the parent/teacher organisation connected to Castlefields School, Bridgnorth.
The aim of this:
Charity is to raise funds for the school in order to enhance the learning opportunities and experiences of its pupils.
Over the last few years, the hard work of the PTA and parents has led to the acquisition of an outdoor classroom, numerous learning aids (including laptops and tablets) and other resources that are out of budget.
The Friends of Castlefields School also subsidise trips and have contributed to the creation of a new Nursery area. The most recent large purchases have been for defibrillator and a Sports Hall Equipment Set.
The Charity hopes to continue to raise funds to purchase items normally out of budget and are looking to provide a new outdoor shaded area for KS2.
Please click on the links for more information about our PTA events or for minutes of our meetings.