School re-opens
May Day Bank Holiday
> Parents > Walking Bus
If you can help us reinstate our Walking Bus, please contact the school office.
Walking Bus and Park & Stride
'Walk to School and Keep Healthy'
Castlefields Primary School are part of the Walking Bus and Park and Stride Scheme. This important to the school for many reasons:
Promoting a culture of fitness in school
Forming part of our carbon emission policy which makes us a more environmentally friendly school
Helping children’ s learning because they settle to work more readily if they have done some form of exercise in the mornings
Assisting working parents
Promoting community spirit within the Castlefields family
Alleviating parking issues in Castlefields Road and Cul-de-sac
We see the Walking Bus as being an integral part of our environmentally friendly school.
If any of you can walk with us (your keep fit regime too) we would appreciate your help.
This is a really important venture to enable Castlefields to start our Green Awareness Campaign. We need your help. Please sign up.
> Please ask for more information/consent forms in the office.

Wednesdays in term time.
8:20am - Arrive at school 8:40am
The route will start in:
8.20 am - Paulbrook Road (by Green)
8.30 am - Bus Stop 1 - Rosehill Drive by lamp post and roundabout
8.35 am - Bus Stop 2 - Conduit Lane just before turn to Highlands Road
8.38 am - Bus Stop 3 - Far side of Highlands Road spur just after it splits
8.40 am - School
If you live on any of these roads there will be pick up points. Those of you that live further away could walk your children to a pick up point or even drive to a pick up point.