> About Us > TrustEd Schools
TrustEd Schools
TrustEd Schools is a medium Multi Academy Trust, based in south and central Shropshire. Our nine academies, work together as a supportive local group of schools. We are highly ambitious for all our pupils; we operate with our schools collaboratively; and we embrace our stewardship role across our schools and communities.
TrustEd began in 2015, with Oldbury Wells as the founding school. Since then, we have had some excellent and strong schools join us, who continue to flourish and grow in our trust. We have also welcomed some sponsored schools into our trust, who needed assistance, and who are now thriving. We have chosen to grow locally rather than extend our reach and chosen to have a mix of primary and secondary schools, and both Church of England and secular schools in our varied Trust.
In the future we expect that our trust will have some growth of Shropshire primary and church schools, to enhance the balance of our family of schools. Our schools all belong to The Association of Character Education (ACE) and we are committed to ensuring an inclusive ethos for everyone.
Together at TrustEd we have much in common, but we are also diverse. Our schools serve the communities of Bridgnorth, Craven Arms, Church Stretton, Pontesbury and Shrewsbury. We work together to build on our schools' current strengths and to support cross-phase collaboration, whist cherishing what makes us unique. All our school’s work within their communities, with Local Governing Bodies.
We are inspired to continue to work together as a group of Leaders and Headteachers across all our schools and with a common purpose. We cherish our schools' individuality but also appreciate how much we can achieve as a team working together.

Trust.Ed Schools
c/o Oldbury Wells School
Oldbury Wells Lane
WV16 5JD
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